About Clark Works

After 20 years in medical illustration, and more recently, print production, I'm directing my entire professional focus on print production art. Ideally, my work will be with an organization that could make best use of the kind of results I've achieved in graphic and print production design, as well as my extensive experience as an illustrator.

Throughout my Illustration and Production Design career, I have provided my clients and employers with the indispensable adaptive and technical skills that make me the go-to person when outstanding results are sought. Highlights of my skills and career included:

  • Successful management of an independent contractor medical illustration business with a 20-year history of establishing long-term client relations including U.S. Surgical, Institute for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Romaine Pierson Publishers and Cliggott Publishing.
  • Produced noteworthy packaging and cards for KitchenAid, Farberware, Cuisinart, Pfaltzgraff and Hoffritz.
  • Experienced in creating and completing corporate promotional materials, product literature, retail packaging and projects in both print and electronic formats.
  • Able to build comps and mechanicals based on pre-determined guidelines and formats and quickly implement revisions.
  • Experienced in retouching, silhouetting and colorizing images using Adobe Photoshop.

With a unique blend of employment and entrepreneurial experience, I am able to work effectively with sales, marketing and production personnel to achieve high quality results that meet design specifications, client deadlines and company budgets. I am a highly organized and detail-oriented professional able to work efficiently on multiple projects. I have strong interpersonal skills and work well as part of a team and I can also work independently with a minimum of supervision.

Currently, I am exploring new opportunities and would welcome a personal interview to explore your needs and how my skills would fit within the structure of your company. You may contact me by phone at (516) 338-0636, or by email at Robin@Clark-Works.com. If you wish to review my resume now, please click here.